A while back I switched from Yellowdog Linux to Debian. I did this for many reasons including being more up-to-date and also getting my video out working on my laptop. Overall, I've been pretty happy with Debian, but I was amazed at the pain of switching distributions -- I've never done it, and it is a real pain in the butt.

Anyway, I've now had my biggest problem with Debian to date. They've broken GnuCash. This is all fine, but there is no working version on testing or unstable for PowerPC. They are broken for different reasons, but still broken none the less. So, I've gone without GnuCash for almost two weeks (which is a very long time for me). Finally, I've had to download the source and build it myself. What a pain.

Plus, GNOME 2.6 still isn't really in Debian yet (there are some external repositories that have much of it, but not for PowerPC). So, it's not like I'm really staying that up to date.

Debian hasn't been as impressive as I expected it to be.

posted May 5, 2004 | permanent link