After avoiding the dentist for several years I went, and as you can imagine, things didn't go that well. Not loosing any teeth or something dramatic, but I've been prescribed to use an electric toothbrush. I bought one, and it's been interesting. I feel like I'm making a latte in my mouth every time I brush. When the instructions say to not take it out of your mouth while it's on, they really do mean that. It makes a total mess. I'm learning.

The one side effect that I hadn't expected is the interaction with my son. Previously with my manual toothbrush, everytime I was brushing my teeth he would demand to have his toothbrush and he would brush along. No longer the case. Now his toothbrush is a kid's toy and he really wants what the adults are using. I'm no longer a good brushing role model. That's still better than having him feed me baby food in a few years.

posted Aug 8, 2007 | permanent link