There is a really cool site: which relates a website to a possition in the real world. I love this, I think that it can provide more community than exists today. For instance, I don't really know my neighbors that well, but I do know that they are familiar with technology from the short conversations that we've had. It is totally plausable that they would have a blog. Perhaps, if I found out about and read that blog, we'd have something to talk about the next time we're at the post box together.

But, this also scares me. If I give the location of my home in my blog, do I now need to be careful about what I write? Can 'being excited about my vacation next week' cause my house to get robbed next week? But, on the flip side, anyone who knows my name and the city I'm living in can type that into Google and come out with location of my home. Perhaps I should be more careful about what I put in my blog today?

posted Apr 29, 2004 | permanent link