So, it is popular scientific theory that the surface of the Earth is heating up. This is theorized to be because of gases that are created when burning fossil fuels go up into the atmosphere and deteriorate the shell that protects us from the Sun. I don't have many doubts that this is a bad thing, and probably making an effect on the temperature of the Earth.

But, the thing that I'm curious about is the heat that is let off burning these fossil fuels. If you think of a car engine it is (being nice) 40% efficient. Then 60% of the energy put into the engine is being released as heat! As the number of cars has increased, and the amount of gas used (which includes refining, which also releases alot of heat) then the temperature of the Earth has increased. I can't think that at this point this amount of energy is insignificant.

But this isn't the only thing. Almost every factory creates a significant amount heat that needs to get dispersed. Perhaps the industry itself has more of a direct effect than we think?

posted May 9, 2004 | permanent link