Last night I was watching the Deep Impact mission on NASA TV, awesome to watch as they shot a washing machine towards a rock at a velocity of 6 miles per second. As the pictures were coming back you could hear one of the engineers in the background say: "If that doesn't make the front page, something is very wrong." I laughed at the time, because I think that we all realize that something is wrong with the media today.

That didn't mean that I wasn't excited to look at the front page of the LA Times this morning to see what they did put on the front page. As far as I can tell, Deep Impact didn't even make the paper this morning. Yeah, something is very wrong -- and we wonder why kids aren't interested in being scientists.

Update: The story did make the front page on the July 5th issue of the LA Times. Perhaps I'm a touch too cynical.

posted Jul 5, 2005 | permanent link