Maps are fun. They little booklets of instructions with no bounds on where we have to go. I can get lost in Google Maps for hours on end, especially with the satellite photos. It's like looking at pictures of the whole world, and being able to move around in them. Fascinating.

A found another fun site which houses Wiki style travel guides. But, what I like more is the ability to make maps of states you've been to and countries you've been to. Not a very impressive list for myself, but you can make your own here. The maps they use aren't that good, and they're hard to resize, they should have used the SVG ones from The Open Clipart Library.

Update: I've noticed a lot of people coming from, I'm not sure why they linked to this post either. Anyway, you'll probably like this post on AJAX based SVG maps better. Sorry.

posted May 26, 2005 | permanent link